Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Black History Month
It's Kareem Abdul-Jabbar talking about his new book, "On the Shoulders of Giants," and the importance of black history month.
I don't run to add days to my life. I run to add life to my days.
"There are a lot of people out there who are watching a marathon who have not done one," Terjesen said, "so I think it's really important to be positive and smiley at the end so they do not think it is a death sentence."
She does not toss that term around lightly.
Only 41 days ago, Terjesen was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Scary words because, in advanced stages, it is a death sentence. Terjesen was lucky. Hers was in a very early stage and required only surgery. She was back running two weeks later.
On Saturday, 21 days after that surgery, Terjesen ran fast, faster than any other woman to win the Cowtown.
"I am very lucky that I am healthy now and very lucky to be alive and very lucky to run very well," Terjesen said. "I was thinking about whether or not to even say something about it, but I think it is really important."
"A race isn't about having fun. It is about pushing your limits. If that isn't painful, then you aren't pushing your limits. If you want to just run up Pikes Peak with a smile on your face, then do it with a bunch of friends and not in the middle of a crowd of strangers." - Bill Wright of Boulder, Colorado of the La Sportiva Mountain Running Team.
he first time I saw my husband, Bill, carefully apply tape to his nipples, I knew a true runner had been born. A few years ago, the president of his company threw down the gauntlet during a management meeting, telling his employees they needed to get in shape. I believe his exact words were, "You’re all fat, so I’ve signed everyone up for a marathon!"
"Eternity," 1793
He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sunrise.
"I live as long as I can and die when I can't help it..."
"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."
I hope you live 200 years and I live 200 years minus one day so I don't know that beautiful people like you have passed away..."
The only two things in life that make it worth living,
Is guitars tuned good and firm-feeling women.
I don’t need my name in the marquee lights,
I got my song and I got you with me tonight.
Maybe it's time we got back to the basics of love.
Let’s go to Luckenbach, Texas,