Monday, April 11

Holy Half 10K

I set a goal - couch to 10K. It is finished. It is complete.

There's always something nice about setting a goal, working towards it and achieving it.

It was a hot day - near 80 degrees and the race started at 10 a.m.

I raced with friends Kyler and Rebecca.

It was weird, at the start of the race, no one wanted to toe the start line. Kyler was at the front raring to go and there was no on else around him.

It would have been nice to sit at the front and feel like I was ready to race.

But I was actually ready to run a 10K.

My goal was to run the whole race. During the first two miles, I mainly thought to myself that I was running too fast. Then it got hot and I was battling to stay slow and not pass the people in front of me.

During miles 3-5 I had a Paul Tergat quote that I had in my mind as a mantra I repeated --- "Ask yourself, can I give more? Usually the answer is yes."

I just repeated the first part of the quote and it was plenty.

As the half-marathon finishers came in, a lot of people needed medical attention. I felt lucky I was able to finish the race without passing out. I pray that everyone recovers well from the race.

I think I may look to do the Sunburst as my next goal.


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