Sunday, February 18

Out of shape

I went running outside for the second time since the marathon today. It seemed like the first time until I consulted my running log. Today's run was about 2.5 miles. That brings my running since the marathon to about 15 miles. It seems so sad.

Someone asked me for directions before I'd been running for five minutes. I was shocked at how hard I was breathing. I guess it's just one of those things. Use it or lose it.

I wouldn't have run outside except that the weather was amazingly beautiful. 50 degrees.

Now that I'm out of shape I have something simple to strive for. Running four days a week. I guess my feet will have something to say in the matter, but now I want small steps. Actually running three days a week would be an improvement on how I've been doing lately.

I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. I'm going to run and get back in shape.


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