Columbus Marathon 2007
I don't run to add days to my life. I run to add life to my days.
Labels: poetry, spoken word
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Writing in the *L.A. Times,* Rosa Brooks
bemoaned the budgetary cuts that have caused the mass firings of
reporters at many major newspapers. This sad development means there
are "fewer persistent, nosy people with a mandate to wander around the
world asking questions." Whatever you do in the coming weeks cannot
single-handedly fix this problem, of course. But it will be your
astrological mandate to be a persistent, nosy person wandering around asking
questions. Halloween costume suggestions: journalist, spy, muckraker,
Denver Marathon - Oct 14 - Denver, CO
Jonathan Ndambuki started the Twin Cities Marathon one week before the Denver Marathon, but dropped out at mile 11 due to foot issues. Disappointed by his need to drop out, the 31 year-old Kenyan looked for another marathon and just five days before the race chose the Denver Marathon. The choice was a good one as Ndambuki ran his fastest time of the year - a 2:21:34 - to win the second annual Denver Marathon. The race was Ndambuki's fourth marathon of 2007 and followed a victory at the 2007 Deseret Marathon and third place at the 2007 Grandma's Marathon. Charles Kiplagat and Arevalo Reyes Alfredo ran with Ndambuki until the final two miles of the course, before each dropped back with Kiplagat taking the second spot in 2:21:47 and Reyes finishing third in 2:22:36.
Are you caught up with your rest? Before the marathon I told you to make certain that you went into the race well rested. Running 26 miles 385 yards also can serve as an energy drain. Particularly the first several days after the marathon, you may feel you need several hours more of sleep a night. And you do! But you may remain sleep-deprived for longer than several days, maybe even several weeks. So don't schedule any all-night Friday parties yet.
Labels: training
We're expecting warmer than usual temperatures and more humidity on Sunday. Risk to runners does increase with warmer weather. Plan to adjust your pace. The humidity and heat will require more of your body so a slower than planned pace is recommended in order to get you to the finish line without overheating.
Pay attention to hydration. Drink if you're thirsty but be aware of over-hydration. If you haven't been feeling well or have been ill in the last week, don't start the race. Seek medical personnel in orange vests along the course and at the finish if you are concerned or are experiencing difficulty.
What was happening to the Mets was called life, and it was good that kids were watching. They could learn from it. Victory teaches nothing. Defeat teaches everything.
I am no longer a fan of any team in any sport. The fan is a fool, a sucker, as much a mark as a drunk who flashes cash in a bar. The fan loves the team, but the team does not love him. The team merely loves the fan's money and when the time comes, it will roll up trucks to the ballpark and take off for another city in the middle of the night. A coldhearted lover will sometimes leave a note. A team never will.