Tuesday, September 21

Feeling lazy

I feel like I should post something.

I haven't worked out much this month.

I've had back pain and ringing in my ear almost all month.

I've been taking a weekend class that ends this weekend.

Maybe after that I'll get into a better frame of mind for exercising.

I thought a bit about running today. Then I looked at the temperature and saw that its' 90 degrees at 5:00.

So this is just a small post against inertia.

I'm not exercising today, but I will exercise again soon.

However, if I win the lottery, I will definitely go to the doctor to get my ear and my back checked out.

Tuesday, September 14

Barefoot running

I just read one of my horoscopes for today. It was fascinating - "Your health should be in top shape today, Virgo. You're likely to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong and ready to tap into your inner power. Dreams may make it possible to release old traumas and move ahead. An increased understanding of the needs and desires of others enriches your relationships. Take heart from past success, continue as you are, and enjoy your day."

In actuality, my back hurt earlier today. I was at Wal-Mart and then at the gas station.

I realized it had been a week since last I'd gone running. And that run had been intended to be seven miles and turned out to be a little over four.

I started thinking that perhaps I was trying to run too far.

So, today I went for a mile run and then I topped it off with about 2 tenths of a mile running barefoot. The barefoot running was pretty good. I felt like I had a bit of extra spring when I ran barefoot. Although I kind of think I'd rather seek out unpaved trails or parks for running barefoot.

Saturday, September 11


It's about a month until the Chicago Marathon.

I think I'll be ready. My initial goal was a PR, hoping for something less than 4 hours. After spending 5 or 6 weeks with a stomach virus around July, my new goal is to finish. I kept trying to do a modicum of training, so as not to lose ground, but I just felt weak. Around the beginning of August, I started to feel better. Now I'm feeling stronger and stronger. Finally. That feeling of metamorphosis that comes after a few good long runs.

It's also about three weeks until my wedding. Pretty much everyone's eyebrows shoot up when they hear that. But I'll be tapering, I say.

It's still a lot of work.

Thursday, September 9

Beaver Island Marathon

I traveled to Beaver Island MI to race a half marathon. The race was on September 4th and I stood an excellent chance of getting an age group first. But, for the first time in over 30 years of running and racing, I scored a DNF. My pace was on target and I felt reasonably good when at 6.53 Garmin miles something popped in my left ankle. I tried to walk and stretch through the problem but the pain and concern for aggravating an injury made me give up. At the seven mile aide station I asked to be bussed back to the finish.

It was disappointing but we enjoyed a great trip and I met some terrific people. One of the Marathoners completed her 347th marathon – wow! I am coming to terms with a slower me and will be more careful in the future.

Beaver Island Marathon

I traveled to Beaver Island MI to race a half marathon. The race was on September 4th and I stood an excellent chance of getting an age group first. But, for the first time in over 30 years of running and racing, I scored a DNF. My pace was on target and I felt reasonably good when at 6.53 Garmin miles something popped in my left ankle. I tried to walk and stretch through the problem but the pain and concern for aggravating an injury made me give up. At the seven mile aide station I asked to be bussed back to the finish.

It was disappointing but we enjoyed a great trip and I met some terrific people. One of the Marathoners completed her 347th marathon – wow! I am coming to terms with a slower me and will be more careful in the future.

Wednesday, September 8

6 is the new 3

From rslight:
I'm in the middle of training for the Nov. 7 Bass Pro Marathon, which will be my 11th marathon. I started training in June with very low expectations. I'm under so much stress (related to work and auto repairs) that I feared my problems would sabotage my running.
However, the opposite has happened. Running for double-digit mileage has helped get my mind off of my struggles. I look forward to my long runs, and feel stronger and faster as the summer winds down.

I'm not sure what goal to set for race day. Should I merely try to beat my 4:16:22 personal record? Should I aim to go under 4 hours?
I'm following the competitive marathoner plan in "The Runner's Training Diary" by Coach Bob and Coach Shelly Glover. I'm on week 9, which calls for 46 miles total. I really like the way the plan sprinkles in a lot of 6-mile runs throughout the week. I had been used to daily runs of 3 or 4 miles, but this plan has me better prepared for 10Ks. Six is the new 3.

Saturday, September 4

My body is not happy

Lately it's felt like my body has been in revolt.

I understand. I haven't been sleeping well.

Today I got off work just after 4 a.m. I got home around 4:30 and tried to go straight to bed. I slept fairly well, but I was awake around 9 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.

My back has been hurting me lately but today it doesn't feel so bad.

I haven't been running in over a week and today I'm going to try to relax and watch football until I have to go into work instead of trying to push my body.

Tonight's shift is a 12-hour shift so we'll see how that goes. I guess I'll definitely be exhausted again in the morning, but will this be another case of hitting the bed and then waking up after only four hours?

Thursday, September 2

First time doing decline push-ups

It's been over a week since I've been running.

The main issue has been catching up with sleep since my shift on Thursday. It's raining now and since I'm wearing glasses and not contacts I'm not as keen to run in the rain.

Maybe I'll go out tomorrow morning for a 2-mile run.

One of the problems with working this overnight shift is that mornings, afternoons and nights don't seem to mean the same thing.

The natural order of things used to be going to sleep at night, waking up in the morning. Now, I guess I need to sleep in the morning and be awake at night.

I had been sleeping in the afternoon but my schedule change has made me try to shift to sleeping in the mornings.

I've been trying to keep up with the push-ups but it's tough, especially when I'm not as well rested as I should be.

Today I took a break from the 100-pushup plan I'd been following and did some decline push-ups which I'd found on the internet. To do decline push-ups, you put your legs up on a chair or on some steps so that you can go lower.

I think it was a good change of pace.