Monday, June 4

Two prs in two days?

So yesterday near the end of my weekly long run, my training partner Jim Evans asks me about my half-marathon pr.

I mention that it was 2:04 or 2:05 or something like that. (I just checked the website - it's actually 2:08:24) in the Rock'n'Roll Arizona Marathon.

And as I recall, that's pretty close to what I ran yesterday.

Except I hadn't planned on running - or racing - a half marathon yesterday. Just a good easy long run.

When Jim turned to me, he said I could probably get a pr if I finished the last 3.1 miles in under 28 minutes.

I replied that that would be nice, but it wasn't at the top of my list of priorities for Sunday's run.

However, what I've learned from Sunday's run is I have to drink more fluids more often. And also, I shouldn't combine a long run with other outdoor activities in the hot sun.

That's the purpose of a long run though, right? Learning how to drink and eat on the run and take care of the body.

All in all, a good weekend for run. And perhaps, two prs in two days. Though who's counting?


Blogger Jim Evans said...


You ran 13.06 miles in 2:07:42 Sunday. That calculates to under 2:08:10.

Maybe one should not be doing PRs while training?

June 05, 2007 8:47 am  
Blogger bl said...

The thing is I almost don't consider that old half-marathon PR mine.

I am a far different runner today than I was back then, even if that was only six months ago.

What I have done in the past has little relation to what I will do in the future.

June 05, 2007 8:50 am  

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