Thursday, May 31

Plan the work, work the plan

I was sent an interesting New York Times story on how marathoners are running few miles now in training than they did back in the 70s and 80s. It's a plan to finish well rather than compete and run a blisteringly fast time.

I'm not definitely in the middle. I want to finish of course, but I want to do more than that.

So anyhow, here's my plan for the next few months as I get ready for Minneapolis.

During the week:
Mondays - rest
Tuesdays - hills or speedwork. - at least an hour
Wednesdays - Medium long run - at least 7 miles as many as 12.
Thursday - tempo run and/or speedwork
Friday - easy run or rest day/cross training (swimming?)
Saturday - run at Marathon pace
Sunday - Long Run.

Sunday Long Run schedule
Oct. 7 - 26.2 in Minneapolis
Sept. 30 - 8 miles
Sept. 23 - 12 miles
Sept. 16 - 20 miles
Sept. 9 - 12 miles
Sept. 2 - 20 miles
Aug. 26 - 12 miles
Aug. 19 - 20 miles
Aug. 12 - 12 miles
Aug. 5 - 18 miles
July 29 - 12 miles
July 22 - 16 miles
July 15 - 12 miles
July 8 - 14 miles
July 1 - 12 miles
June 24 - 12 miles

Well and so on. My current plan has me running 12 miles every Sunday until July 8. Maybe I should rethink that. I've run 12 miles for the last couple of Sundays already. What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions? Part of the reason I'm posting this here of course is to get your feedback.


Blogger Jim Evans said...

Your schedule looks ambitious.

If you do all the hill, speed, and tempo work that you list, you may need to start easy on the distance. Remember that distance is the primary component of marathon training. I think you might consider an earlier start to increasing the distance and do the intensity workouts as your body allows.

You indirectly indicate a max of about 45 miles in a week.

Mostly, I think it looks like a schedule that would lead you to better times if you can sustain it.

May 31, 2007 11:08 am  
Blogger rslight said...

I hesitate to comment since I'm a total marathon novice.
I'm following the Penguin plan that gradually increases my weekly long run over the summer until I do one 20-mile run three weeks before Chicago.
But your plan looks awesome.

May 31, 2007 5:58 pm  

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