Monday, February 18

Sequiota Mess

Where are we running? -- Lenny Kravitz

My (rslight's) training plan called for a 15-mile long run today, and I attempted one on the Sequiota Park trail. I started at the park and headed south, and it didn't take long to witness damage from last week's ice storm.
There were icy, wet spots on the first mile that caused me to briefly leave the trail and run in the road. I had to slow down and carefully move through mud under a highway bridge. An entire tree blocked the path at mile 1.6. I couldn't get around it so I returned to the park.

I ended the run with 3.5 miles ... not what I had in mind. I immediately drove to my gym intending to knock out 10 treadmill miles, but the parking lot was filled past capacity. Apparently lots of folks decided to celebrate Presidents Day by exercising (or just standing around looking good). I gave up and decided to do 10 miles at the gym Tuesday.

What a disappointment. (Although not as depressing as the horrible ending of "The Mist," a horror movie I unfortunately chose to view Sunday at The Palace.)
I dunno. Does it matter whether I do 15 miles or 10 miles this week? Little Rock Marathon is less than two weeks away. My two 20-milers went well. I feel good and ready to go.


Blogger bl said...

I drove out to the far end of the South Creek trail today. I love the hills there and a fair piece is unpaved.

It was blocked on two ends though by fallen trees. At one point I jumped over a tree and it was fun. On my second loop though I decided there was enough room for me to go off the trail and run around it.

If it's not ice, it's tornados. Still, I think you're ready for Little Rock.
You should have a great time.

February 18, 2008 11:10 pm  
Blogger Jim Evans said...

Fifteen miles less than two weeks out would be against most training plan tapers I have read.

I think you are good to go.

Keep doing the shorter runs (4-6) with a few pickups to keep the "speed".

February 19, 2008 10:05 am  
Blogger R said...

I agree with Jim--10 is probably plenty. You don't want to be recovering from a training run when you're running a race.

February 19, 2008 3:44 pm  

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