The Newbie
I was asked recently by bl to share in contributing to poetic feet. Though I'm not as poetically inclined as some (99% of the poetry I write will never be read by anyone but me), I do run. In addition to various 10K's and half-marathons, I've endured four 26.2 -mile marathons, and more recently I completed an 8-year marathon known as the Doctor of Philosophy degree. So I might just do alright alongside the other co-bloggers.
Now that my Ph.D. ordeal is behind me, I will be running significantly more, though I've always needed a specific race to set as a goal in order to train as hard as I can. Any suggestions?
One interesting topic that I will have more to post about is not my own training, but my role as personal trainer/drill sergeant for a friend of mine who will be joining the Air Force in a few months. He asked me to help him out because I've shared my marathon preparation experiences with him, so he thinks I know what I'm doing. And I guess I do, but being responsible for someone else's physical condition is something new to me, so I'll likely be running my various coaching/motivational ideas past you all for the next two months. Right now we're focusing on running and weightlifting, but we may branch out a bit as well before we're through.
Now that my Ph.D. ordeal is behind me, I will be running significantly more, though I've always needed a specific race to set as a goal in order to train as hard as I can. Any suggestions?
One interesting topic that I will have more to post about is not my own training, but my role as personal trainer/drill sergeant for a friend of mine who will be joining the Air Force in a few months. He asked me to help him out because I've shared my marathon preparation experiences with him, so he thinks I know what I'm doing. And I guess I do, but being responsible for someone else's physical condition is something new to me, so I'll likely be running my various coaching/motivational ideas past you all for the next two months. Right now we're focusing on running and weightlifting, but we may branch out a bit as well before we're through.
Run L.A. with me next spring!
(that goes for all y'all)
Notice that our new contributor has chosen an identity that is pronounced "Quick."
yes, he's very proud of that.
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