Saturday, June 23

Toasty and swampy in Nixa

Well, it looks like at least half of the Poetic Feet squad was out at the Aldersgate race in Nixa this morning...though you'll only find two of us on the official finishers' lists. Tangerine took a little more, ah, "unofficial" approach to the race, but since there were a bunch of the Team in Training runners there doing the same, she sort of blended in with them in her shameful, shameful banditry. ;-)

I PR'ed, which is satisfying, but fell well short of my goal, which is a little unsatisfying. It's a two-loop course for the 10K, and I was pretty much on pace after the first lap, but with the cumulative effects of the 75F temps and the humidity I more or less wilted on the second lap. I was dumping cups of water on my head at the aid station like a marathoner, but it still didn't seem to cool me off that much.

I know RS obliterated his old PR, and tangerine was in the neighborhood of her Route 66 mark on the 5K, which was on a much cooler day. So it looks like there was improvement all around.

I guess I can consider this a trial run for the Hot n Hilly later this least the hot part, anyway.

By the way, if you ever have the chance to see RS close out a race when there's something up for grabs (either holding off other runners or, like today, getting in under 54 minutes), I highly recommend it. He's got quite a finishing kick, and he gets a look of intensity on his face that would freeze a pot of boiling water. When RS pulls out all the stops, you can really tell it.


Blogger bl said...

What was your goal for this race?

June 23, 2007 6:04 pm  
Blogger MS said...

40. I think it's feasible, at least on a good day. Maybe this fall, once it cools off.

June 23, 2007 9:42 pm  

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