An easy 20 minutes
So my alarm clock this morning was set for 7. But I woke up before 6.
I was a little groggy but I couldn't bring myself to go back to sleep. So I went downstairs and got the paper and I just caught the desire to go to the Y and get in a quick workout.
I told myself 20 minutes, only 20 minutes. It had to be an easy day because tomorrow I've got the big run planned for 18 miles.
It was a good quick workout. But tomorrow is another mountain.
Interesting asides:
On the way to the Y, I saw a car with a bumper sticker that read: "Actions speak louder than bumper stickers."
Listening to my I-pod while working out, I heard Bob Marley's song "No woman, no cry." I remembered what I found out not so long ago. The message of the song isn't the drunk anthem, if it wasn't for women, I wouldn't be crying. No. That's not what Bob is saying. It's more, No woman, don't you cry. And that's a much more uplifting message.
At least, that's what I and I say.
I was a little groggy but I couldn't bring myself to go back to sleep. So I went downstairs and got the paper and I just caught the desire to go to the Y and get in a quick workout.
I told myself 20 minutes, only 20 minutes. It had to be an easy day because tomorrow I've got the big run planned for 18 miles.
It was a good quick workout. But tomorrow is another mountain.
Interesting asides:
On the way to the Y, I saw a car with a bumper sticker that read: "Actions speak louder than bumper stickers."
Listening to my I-pod while working out, I heard Bob Marley's song "No woman, no cry." I remembered what I found out not so long ago. The message of the song isn't the drunk anthem, if it wasn't for women, I wouldn't be crying. No. That's not what Bob is saying. It's more, No woman, don't you cry. And that's a much more uplifting message.
At least, that's what I and I say.
It's more, No woman, don't you cry. And that's a much more uplifting message.
That's what I always thought it meant...
Well that's because you're a woman.
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