Saturday, July 14

My foot feels great

Well, that title sounds a lot better than my foot feels so-so. My foot had been bothering me lately but yesterday was a rest day and today was a 10K I'd pre-registered for. A hilly, challenging 10K.
I did OK. I got a new pr. Around 52:30 is what I remember the clock saying as I crossed the finish line. My good friend Rslight was about 12 seconds behind me. As I remember from looking at the results, the closest person I was to finished about two minutes faster than me. I would have loved to have someone in my sights that I could have tried to pass in the last half-mile but I didn't see anybody.
I did however have people close on my tail so that helped motivate me to have a strong finishing kick. The best thing though was that my feet, specifically my left foot, didn't hinder my running.
Tomorrow's scheduled for a long run but I'm going to try to get up early, beat the heat and listen to my body. We'll see how it goes.


Blogger Jim Evans said...

The course was short 6.12 which adds about 41 seconds. On the other hand, I ran the Polar Bear 10K three minutes faster than I ran this course today and I am fairly consistant in effort and training. I think your 52:30 today translats to about 48:45 on a flat course on a perfect day.

July 14, 2007 2:00 pm  
Blogger bl said...

I don't know. It felt like a 10K to me. And near the end I had to dodge a couple of people.

Besides I like to think I enjoy the more challenging, hillier courses.

As we encountered the last nearly mile-long hill, this guy in front of me said he'd been dreading the hill for the last three miles.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd been looking forward to that hill for 3 miles. I enjoyed running down it, especially because you were behind me most of the whole way. But I love the way that I can pass people on hills.

I'll take my 52:30 yesterday and look forward to the 42:30 that I want at some point not too far in the future.

July 15, 2007 5:19 pm  
Blogger bl said...

I should clarify that today my foot really does feel great.

And that what I love best about hills is passing people on the way up, not the way down. Those it's always nice to feel like I'm going faster than other people.

Also, I don't feel that this race in any way represented a peak 10K performance. I was very worried about my foot for most of the morning. Things went well, but I know I can run faster. My effort just wasn't what it should have been if I were trying to run my hardest.

But I did have a good 10K - a pr for goodness sake - and I had a decent long run the next day so I don't have any complaints.

July 16, 2007 11:43 am  

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