Tuesday, May 1

Tougher than the NFL

I love it. I just got a boost of energy and joy from reading what former Tennessee Titans running back Eddie George had to say about running his first half-marathon.

George said running the half-marathon was more difficult than playing an NFL game, and he expects the recovery to be just as intense.

Before Saturday, George said his goal was to run the full marathon next year. He changed his mind after completing the half-marathon.

"I think I'll be looking to run the half again next year, and we'll see what happens after that," George said. "This was really difficult."

Yeah. Tougher than the NFL. Reminds you a bit of Lance Armstrong saying that the marathon was tougher than the Tour de France.

I'm not training for any specific marathon right now, just trying to increase speed in my quest for a 21 minute 5K. But reading a story like that sure makes me want to register for another 26.2 miler.


Blogger R said...

I think that playing in the NFL would be harder than running a marathon for me. And I think that the Tour de France would be hard, too... I almost stopped my bike to walk it up a hill today. It's hard to ride a bike uphill.

It's also really hard for me to run sprints. I'm not good at them, and there's no immediate payoff except another sprint. If I'm running so hard that I can't run any faster, I don't see much around me. It's hard to get psyched for that. I don't like games, either. I'm too competitive to have fun if I'm taking the game seriously, and I don't take games seriously if I'm not competitive.

Just saying that you gotta check your sources on these things.

Wonder what Lance Armstrong thinks of playing in the NFL?

May 02, 2007 11:45 pm  
Blogger bl said...

R wrote: I'm too competitive to have fun if I'm taking the game seriously, and I don't take games seriously if I'm not competitive.

Whew. That's a pretty vicious cycle.

I guess we all have different motivators. Still, I wonder what Lance Armstrong or Eddie George would think about sailing. I understand that can get pretty intense too.

May 03, 2007 5:03 am  

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