Monday, May 14

Straightforward attainable goals

Since I've signed up for a marathon that's getting closer everyday, I need good goals.
It's one thing to have a list of time goals and I have those. But that's only going to be the product of work, hard work.
And so I've got goals to do something I didn't achieve before my last marathon in January. Specifically, I want to average at least 40 miles a week starting four months before the marathon. October is the 10th month, 10 minues 4 is 6, that's June. That's starting next month. Pardon my math.
So anyhow, the goal setting starts now. This week I will run 30 miles. Next week 33. The week after 36. And the following week, I'll be back up to 40 miles. It's simple as that.
I also plan to work in some proper speedwork over the summer in addition to hills.
It all starts with self-discipline.


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