Saturday, December 30

Dec. 30th Mud Run

We had a little rain around here today. Early in the morning I went for a hike at the Nature Center with my little brother Danny.

But that hike started making me think. Mud. I'd been yearning to get back out to the trails and this was the little added push I needed.

It was a great fun run today out at the hilly Sac River Trails. I planned to just be out there for about 30 minutes but because of the way the trails are set up, I got lost and then I got lost again. All in all, it was probably about 50 minutes of running and who knows how far. (Well, probably about five miles or so I guess cause I'm not running five minute miles through the mud yet... but maybe one day.)

I saw deer and wild turkey and squirrels and lots and lots and lots of mud. It was great.


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