Tuesday, October 17

Running alone or running lonely ... whichever

Feels like it's been a long time since I've posted.I guess it's just been two days. Lately I've been feeling a tired though.

Maybe it's that work is exhausting. Too much politics and negativity, perhaps.

Maybe I'm on the brink of overtraining. Last week I ran 46 miles total. But, besides the fact that I almost felt like I was squeezing in time to get out and run, I'm not really running that much and I could run more.

Mainly it's the feeling of being lonely. If not being alone, definitely being lonely. I could think about the distinction, but that almost seems pointless.

I feel like I'm getting faster. Running provides some regularity and I know I'm doing something worthwhile. But I'm not really meeting any new people and I just feel so alone here.

But what can I do. My goal, I guess, is to keep a positive attitude, keep on moving and something good will happen soon.


Blogger Cherie Kail said...

Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I feel the same way sometimes. There are not enough people crazy enough to take the narrow road we're on and once a week is hard enough to coordinate anything! I enjoy the long runs and the friendship that results. I have SO much to keep busy with. That would be my advice for you on this one. Find new and exciting things to fill your time when you're not working, running, taking Danny out, or when you just feel a lull. We're heading in to winter, which brings about Seasonal Affective Disorder for many athletes. Find a spinning class at the YMCA, join the library's singles book club, play bingo, host a few house parties.....trust me: the one thing you need most is people, a variety of people and speckle them in all of your activities. Life is not just a run, it is a test of strength, endurance, solitude, flexibility, power, humility and of stepping out of your comfort zone. Make sure that every moment is enjoyable, running or no.

October 17, 2006 11:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I second that.

Sometimes I get exhausted from all the stuff I attempt to cram into my life, in all its well rounded glory, but I know it's what keeps me going, and gets me through my own sporadic bouts of loneliness.

October 18, 2006 11:29 am  
Blogger bl said...

Well, I seem to keep plenty busy. It's just I'm not so busy with other people.

But, as the title of the old Calvin and Hobbes book said, The Days are Just Packed.

October 18, 2006 2:33 pm  

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