Race week excitement
Big race on Saturday. The first race since camp.
Unfortunately in training for the race, I've also somehow hurt my foot. It's not hurt so bad that I can't run on it, but it just feels funny/sore. After Saturday I may take a few days off or do cross-training on the rowing machine, exercise bikes or the elliptical trainers.
But first things first. I will run hard in the 10K this weekend no matter what. I think setting a new PR can be accomplished even though it's a tough course.
Unfortunately in training for the race, I've also somehow hurt my foot. It's not hurt so bad that I can't run on it, but it just feels funny/sore. After Saturday I may take a few days off or do cross-training on the rowing machine, exercise bikes or the elliptical trainers.
But first things first. I will run hard in the 10K this weekend no matter what. I think setting a new PR can be accomplished even though it's a tough course.
I didn't get too far off the groove: I've now walked 3X this week. Thankis for the encouragement.
Brian, ya know, I've had some excruciating foot pain this last couple days. Last night I ran down South Creek nearly eight miles and was making good time, despite what feels like metatarsal fractures, preemptive??? I think it may be that we did too much downhilling and too little off-roading. Next long run......to Buseik state forest! No more road for a while. Let's run like the wind. Also, try RICE therapy....you know, rest, ice, compression, elevation. Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM is what I prescribe, too. No run on Friday, save it for Saturday and you'll surely be ready to run!
Hey, I got stuck at work tonight late, so figured I'd make another post before attempting to make a phone call out of this nut house. I had a thought....been biking up on the Little Sac trail a few hundred times....that's how I got the amazing scar on my left elbow region. Anyhow, many runners journey there for fun, as well as I'm sure the Frisco Highline trail, which would be interesting to see for the sake of the bridge progress. I'm going September 22-23-24 with a pal up to Rocheport to the Katy Trail for the Crush Festival, and would like to assess the Katy as well. Buseik is familiar and offers promise. Also, I hate having email accounts censored, but not open blogs. Thank goodness for the blog world! A couple ideas about the footpain from MANY past athletic injuries. Could be metatarsalgia or less likely plantar fasciitis...remember when I told you about watching our arches and running on one side of the road for too long? I'll try to look up some medical info regarding our plight. Just ICE, RICE and be NICE to your feet! Now's as good a time as any to take up swimming like a fiend or cycling/spinning, rowing, lifting weights, boxing. Mmmm, and don't forget the heelstriker's anemia......we are runners but we DO need meat. There are some essentials that you can't get from anything other than meat in the purest form. Riboflavin, niacin, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotides, thyamine, vitamin H.
I think, if anything, my foot issue is probably just a mild sprain.
I've taken it easy the last couple of days because of the race tomorrow. I do enjoy rowing and if you want to go bikeshopping with me that would be cool. However, how much would a new bike cost? I feel like I really need to save money right now and try harder to get out of credit card debt in the next couple of months. I can do that if I start to be more disciplined.
Anyhow, next week I may focus more on the rowing machine just to give my body a bit of a rest.
Right now though, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's race.
I would be happy to bike shop, but as far as that goes, I know a good bike is AT LEAST $300. It's a bit much to ask. Galloway rents bikes, though. If it were once a week for crosstraining a couple hours. Biking and swimming are the two very best cardio/crosstraining workouts. I know about as much about chosing cycles as I do sports medicine, to take that at face value.
I'm really wound up over the race. It will be SO exciting. I think we'll have a 'leg up' since we know the course. A sprain, however, should only last 2-3 days and subside. This is a bit lingering and I iced last night, but just continue to try not to think about it. I think 99 percent of pain is mental. This is just a glitch. Easy to fix :) The rowing is great, and even better if you take it OUT of doors (i.e. canoeing, or Lak Springfield) Ever try rock climbing? Petra has 40 walls and that's a good strength builder. Just pretend for a while that you're crosstraining for a triathlon. I know by the time I did the one in Forsythe, I was in such great shape.....and that's nothing you want to lose. Remember, it's all about balance. Chat with you later! RICE
This is definitely a bit of a lingering issue. However, I just want to go for six miles as hard as I can. I know I can do six miles.
And we definitely have an edge. Too bad I didn't take my watch with me on our last training run.
The forecast holds scattered thunderstorms. I don't mind rain but lightning, which I saw while walking to work today, makes me a little nervous.
I definitely prefer the race to be the wet'n'hilly as opposed to the hot'n'hilly. We'll see how it goes.
Ha! feature Richard renaming the race. Never fear. If there's light in the sky, there will be a postponement. But I'm not banking on it...Just clouds, thunder, drizzle and a great race. The pain isn't as purulent today, but still lingers.
There's a bit of a planning committee behind my recovery efforts though. After the weddings (2) tomorrow afternoon, the Rams vs. KC...I'm in it for the Rams. Have you seen their defensive line? I thought I heard they made a trade with Atlanta earlier. I know this season will be a tossup and am anxious to get back to NFL Frenzy!
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