Sunday, August 12

Runner of the Month

Here's a post I have on my half-marathon training page and thought I should share it here:

On my way to Quizno's Friday noon, I was feeling a little depressed about my training: It is lots of hard work. The weather is way too hot. And I just want to stay home.

Then, something unexpected happened. The moment I sat down with the group, Richard Johnson told me I was voted the Runner of the Month for July. What? I was incredulous. Me? Someone who just started running? Shouldn't the award go to someone who has completed his or her 100th marathon with a record time?

Apparently not. It turned out Bob Dewar nominated me after I shaved off 6 minutes in my second 5K race in July. He thought that was impressive, so did those who voted for me.

I was very flattered and got new energy for my training. At lunch I signed up for a mile race Saturday, though I was dreading the hot, humid weather.

Yes, it was hot and humid, but it was not as bad as I thought. I went out for my mile race, scoring 7 minutes and 25 seconds. Did an easy mile on the trail at Sequiota Park and ran the up hill back to the starting point.

And I felt good.


Blogger rslight said...

As the Runner of the Month for June, I was happy to see you took the title the next month.
You now have a better mile PR than me. My PR was 7:30 at June's Cox Medical Mile (flat, but no downhill that I recall).

August 13, 2007 5:27 pm  

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