Sunday, August 19

20 miles

I ran 20 miles today. I feel like I should note that.

I started out on the trail in the dark and my eyes had trouble focusing because there was so little light. At one point I had to concentrate hard to make sure I wasn't going in the creek.

I saw that Mark's car was in the parking lot when I got there so I expected to see him on the trails and I did. A couple of times. Last time I saw him he was on mile 15 and I was on mile 11. I asked how far he was going. He said 20 miles.

I had a lot of questions today as to how far I would go. But I went the whole 20 and I'm happy about that.

It was my slowest 20 mile run of the past two months, but it was also the hottest. Now, it's simply time to take a nap.


Blogger MS said...

Cool...that was the first 20-miler (outside of a marathon) that I've done since mid-May. I didn't feel too bad afterward, despite the humidity.

I've started chugging a whole fast-food salt packet with some water before I head out the door on my long runs. Sounds gross, but it really seems to help, especially when I drink Gatorade along the way. The key is to keep the salt on the front of your tongue - if you get it in the back it's gag-o-riffic, but up front it's not as bad. And make sure that water's ready to go too.

August 19, 2007 4:24 pm  
Blogger bl said...

a salt packet. hmm. i may have to try that. after my run, i've been out of commission most of the day struggling with a headache and general fatigue.

August 19, 2007 9:31 pm  
Blogger Jim Evans said...

I went out for a half marathon run at 11:15. It was the coolest run I have had in weeks (86 at start, 83 at finish). I called my wife to come save me from an approaching thunder storm. She took a while and I ended up with 12.5 miles. Last week I ran 16 miles in 100 degree heat. Yesterday was so easy.

August 20, 2007 8:14 pm  

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