Thursday, August 16

Tempo run

Today's workout was tough. Which is as it should be. A 40 minute tempo run.

The tempo run was one of my favorite workouts at camp because it becomes a bit of a race with people ridiculously faster than you are. The way we did it at camp was to run at a pace that you can sustain for 40 minutes. We were at a rails to trails trail and we went out for 20 minutes and then turned around and ran back for 20 minutes. If everybody runs an even pace, then everybody should finish at the same time although you spread out in the first half of the run.

It would be cheating (yourself and your workout) to go out too slow in order to try to get back first. Getting back first isn't the goal really anyway. The goal is not getting passed on the way out and finishing about the same time as everybody else.

As I said in a recent post, it's way too hot to have a real good run outside. And for me, the tempo run and maintaining a steady pace is tough anyway. So the treadmill was the place to be. I broke it into two 20-minute blocks at an 8-minute pace with a short pause in between. That's 5 miles in 40 minutes. I don't believe I've ever done that before.

My goal for next week is to do it again and possibly eliminate the pause in between. The five minute blocks though are great because it's easy to get to half way there and then only 10 minutes more. Only 9 minutes more. Etcetera.

Now, however, I need to sleep and rest well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard you had a little four-legged friend at that workout, who ran even faster than the Kenyans!

August 17, 2007 10:26 am  
Blogger bl said...

Yep - that dog was fast.

Of course, the dog also didn't have any qualms about cooling off in puddles while most of us runners tried to avoid getting wet like that.

August 17, 2007 10:57 am  

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