Tuesday, April 18

Jesus and the Boston Marathon

I'd like to call your attention to one of my favorite blog posts of the month so far.

Maybe you read it when I first put it up, but it's so funny I want to post it again in case you missed it. I suppose it was just an April Fool's day joke in a college newspaper, but it was funny.

It's about Jesus running the Boston marathon.

Here was the quote from the story I shared last time.

Several extremely fast Kenyans protested the Lamb of God's entry into the marathon, citing that he is in fact a "god" and the race is limited to human beings. Paul, the Anointed One's press representative, cited the doctrine of incarnation to show that the Light of the World is still entirely human as proof that He can still run the marathon.
His Holiness does not want his prestige and divine nature to overshadow the other runners.
"On April 17, I'm just another guy trying to run 26.2 miles without throwing up," said The Savior. "The miracles can wait a day."

Of course, as expected, the Kenyans won again. No word in the mainstream media on how Jesus did.


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