Saturday, November 26

The Long Run Home

Today I ran all the way back to the townhome I used to live in. It's the first time I've had a long run in a long time where I didn't stop at any stop lights or intersections.

I guess that's what getting up at 5:15 in the morning on a Saturday can do for you.

Lately I've been going to sleep quite early with the winter darkness and all. It's good for helping me wake up early.

Anyhow, today's run was over 12 miles which was good. I've got more confidence for the half-marathon. I won't be as fast as I dream of being someday.

But as they say, baby steps. Or more specifically - the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. One race.


Blogger bl said...

Mysticism for Beginners
by Adam Zagajewski

The day was mild, the light was generous.
The German on the cafe terrace
held a small book on his lap.
I caught sight of the title:
Mysticism for Beginners.
Suddenly I understood that the swallows
patrolling the streets of Montepulciano
with their shrill whistles,
and the hushed talk of timid travellers
from Eastern, so-called Central Europe,
and the white herons standing - yesterday? the day before? -
like nuns in fields of rice,
and the dusk, slow and systematic,
erasing the outlines of medieval houses,
and olive trees on little hills,
abandoned to the wind and heat,
and the head of the Unknown Princess
that I saw and admired in the Louvre,
and stained-glass windows like butterfly wings
sprinkled with pollen,
and the little nightingale practicing
its speech beside the highway,
and any journey, any kind of trip,
are only mysticism for beginners,
the elementary course, prelude
to a test that's been

November 29, 2005 9:04 pm  

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