Thursday, November 17

Inspiration from the stars

This morning I got up. It was cold. It was cold yesterday and I ran 8.5 miles. But it was also cold today and I felt cold. Brrr. I also hit snooze a couple of times and though I hadn't overdone it, my body reminded me that last night I had some carbs.

I felt like probably I'd go running. Right. I've got three races in three weeks. But I was dragging.

Anyhow, as is my habit, I went downstairs and got the newspaper. I opened it up. I'm a little ashamed to say I read my horoscope everyday. But today's horoscope literally got me moving. I read it, I said, "yeah." And I got my running clothes on.

Here's what it said:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Exercise and well-being are inexorably linked. Your habit of moving your body even when you don't feel like it will make you, to a greater degree, impervious to stress and illness.

So, my first race is Saturday. A 10 K that raises money for Big Brothers Big Sisters. I'm excited.


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