Thursday, November 22

Turkey Trot

OK Poetic Feet people.

Let's talk about the Turkey Trot.


Blogger MS said...

So I trotted with the Turkeys this morning, and I know I was far from alone on this blog. I discovered an important lesson while I was waiting (and waiting) for the start line to go off...well, actually two:

1. If the runners around you all press in close together, your combined body heat makes it possible to forget that it's FREEZING outside (I looked later, the windchill at race time was 15 degrees).

2. If there's a north wind blowing, then the people standing on the north edge of the starting corral are what we call "suckers". Also, "cold".

Other than that, the race itself was okay. The '05 Turkey Trot was one of the first races I ever ran, and I remembered the hill right at the end as being such a killer that I made a conscious effort to hold back this year for it. Turns out that hill only seemed 200 feet tall to a novice like myself, and I probably could have pushed harder.

I tied my second-fastest 5K time (18:52), but that was set five months ago, on a much hillier course, on a steamy August morning. On the plus side, I probably didn't burn myself out for the half-marathon in Tucson next weekend.

For rslight and bl (and Jim??), I am proposing a new challenge: "Beat the Governor of Missouri in '08".

226 1992 Matt Blunt 37 M Jefferson City MO 22:33

Good luck getting him to pony up for a pizza party, though.

November 22, 2007 5:03 pm  
Blogger bl said...

15 degrees. It didn't seem that cold.

We'll see how it goes.

Is somebody nominating me to be our state's poet laureate?

November 22, 2007 10:37 pm  
Blogger Jim Evans said...

I lined up with my Nephew (Casey) and the 8:30 per mile crowd. I had run a 38 minute five miler late Wednesday afternoon and Casey said we would run at around eight and a half minutes per mile (he lied). About a half-mile into the race we were zigzagging around folks of all sizes and he said “how is this pace.” I gasped “probably under seven minutes per mile.” I finally got him to slow down so I was able to run a little easier than ‘all out’.

I had not planned to count the Turkey Trot in the “Beat Jim” challenge but when I look at the results and realize that I could not have run 22 seconds faster Thursday, I have to give it to Mark. His 68.76 WAVA on that course on that day is more than I could do. Congratulations Mark you’ve earned your pizza.

I expect Matt will be sweating the race in November 2008. He will pony up a for the party.

November 23, 2007 4:32 pm  

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