Sunday, September 23

Where's the Clock?

Oops! ... I did it again -- Britney Spears

My (rslight's) eyes darted about wildly when I approached the finish line of Saturday's In Like a Lion 5K in Phelps Grove Park in Springfield. I didn't see a clock, which freaked me out. I didn't know how much to speed up, but I knew I ran the race strong and steady.
After I sprinted through a throng of cheering sorority ladies lining the finish, I doubled around to investigate where they put the dang clock. Was it on top of a truck? Inside a tent? On the ground but blocked by someone's feet?

Maybe it's a good thing there was no clock. I got a new 5K PR of 23:29. That is my fourth PR for September. I also had four PRs in June.

You're wondering if I got a fifth one at Sunday's MSU Strides for Cancer 5K at Greene Park in Springfield. Uh, no. That race started at 3 p.m. in the afternoon, and the heat really took a toll. I think my time was 25:32.
The heat must have also slowed other people. I finished eighth overall and won first place among the 30-something dudes. bl could have also garnered a medal and a MSU shirt if he were in it (everyone received a prize).


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