Tuesday, May 30

Tuesday. Race week.

A two day work week. A day of travel. A day of rest and nerves. A day of racing.

I bought a scale recently and I step on it like a new toy. It's not that I wanted to lose weight, it's just that I accepted that it would happen.

And since July of last year, I've lost over 40 pounds. I'm not particularly happy about losing 40 pounds, but finishing the marathon will make losing the weight worth it.

I hate being skinny. Girls never like skinny guys. I remember one girl I liked and went out on a couple of dates with chose instead to date a guy who was twice my size and played bass guitar in a rock band.

I need to forget that girl. Strangely enough, she's the only person to call me her soulmate. Strange use of the word. She said we were so alike because we both analyzed everything to death.

Anyway, I digress. I'm excited about the race.


Blogger R said...

Geez. If I lost 40 pounds, I'd probably die. Or have had some serious amputations. But I'm short.

I sent you a marathon care package--it should arrive at your place by noon tomorrow, so don't forget to check the mail before you head out of town!!

May 30, 2006 4:41 pm  

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