Sunday, April 30

20 miles revisited

Yesterday's 20 mile run was great. I say that now that it's over. At various times during the run, I felt like I had gone too hard, was about to stop, wasn't quite sure what I'd gotten myself into. But I completed my journey.

But it was also really beautiful almost throughout. It was the first long run that I'd done completely on a Greenway trail, specifically the Galloway Creek trail. Great views, almost no stopping for cars and also lots of animals.

I started the run with my friend Mark who is generally a bit faster than me, but he slowed down to run at my pace - and a distance much farther than he usually goes. We basically ran straight out on the trail which ended after crossing a pedestrian bridge above the James River. A great view. Then we turned around and headed back.

After 10 miles, Mark stopped because he plans to run a race next Saturday in Las Vegas. I couldn't convince him to keep going and so I turned around and did the whole thing again. I tried to maintain an 11-minute mile pace and for the most part I did, although the last few miles I stopped glancing down at the watch and tried to just keep going. And I did. And I finished.

It was a great run. I saw lots of birds, raccoons, perhaps a skunk and plenty of other animals I don't remember right now.

I'm almost a month away from the race and it almost seems unbelievable. I've come so far and done things I would not have thought possible just a couple of years ago.


Blogger R said...

Congratulations again on the 20 mile run and on the poetry slam--I gotcha a little something for two jobs well done :)

(to be mailed this week...)

April 30, 2006 2:54 pm  
Blogger bl said...

Thanks. I've got a hunch on what it might be. ;)

Anyhow, I'm not completely sure how much I've done just yet.

The race is now 5 weeks away. I feel ready, but I haven't really followed a training plan out of a book or anything. Kind of like when I cook, I've mixed and matched from several different recipes and I've done the best I could with what I had available. Meaning allergies and a tough time at the office forced some changes.

Hopefully I'm ready and hopefully the next month will go well. I've also got my review at work coming up.

April 30, 2006 8:37 pm  
Blogger R said...

Really, if you couldn't guess, you weren't paying attention. :) Hope you'll like it...

And I LOVE the handicapped version of word verification!!!


May 01, 2006 3:45 pm  

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