Sunday, February 19

Because size matters

Well, this time two weeks from now, I'll have finished the Little Rock Half-Marathon. I'll have the world's largest half-marathon finisher's medal.

I may be losing weight, but size still matters. Hehe. That was a little joke.

But really, they say that they're "big and bodacious" in Little Rock. And you thought everything was bigger in Texas.

But that's not the only reason I chose Little Rock. It's also the sight of one of my greatest athletic triumphs. That was the basketball game when I scored more points than the other team. Granted, it was just second grade, but still, it's a good memory.

It will also be interesting to see if I hear anybody from Wichita. How will I know what state they're from? They'll be the ones who pronounce the state's name "Our-Kansas" rhymes with pass as opposed to "Our-Kansaw."


Blogger bl said...

I thought you particularly had a pretty good story. Something about differentiating that Kansas was a free state and Arkansaw was a slave state.

Something like that. Do you remember telling me that?

February 22, 2006 5:14 pm  
Blogger R said...

Maybe you can ask around and find out why they pronounce it Arkansaw... maybe they have a nicer story than the one they tell up in Kansas.

February 22, 2006 5:15 pm  

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