Sunday, November 4

Cohick Half Marathon - first post

Thank you Jim Evans!

Ever since I ran my second marathon in January with a 2:08:24 for the first 13.1 miles, I had no doubt that I could run under 2 hours in a half marathon. Well, very little doubt.

But it's one thing to no you can do something, and another to actually do it. To actually prove it.

I think my half-marathon in Minneapolis was a little faster, but not by much. Let's not think about that too much.

Today I did it. And with the help of my pace team, a team of one - Jim Evans.

Could I have done it without him? Perhaps. But there was a great deal of confidence in knowing that Jim guaranteed he would set the pace I needed.

More to come.


Blogger Jim Evans said...

Thank you!

I enjoyed this race, probably, more than any other I have ever run. There were a lot of friendly runners and volunteers on the course and Brian was great to run with. It was also a perfect workout.

For those of you who were not there to see it, after 12.5 miles of running a challenging pace Brian put forth an incredible finishing kick. He did his last mile about a minute below his average pace and probably clocked under 7 min/mile at one point.

I believe there are much faster times left in this kid.

November 04, 2007 2:58 pm  

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