Saturday, October 27

News-Leader racing team

Well, this was a good day for the News-Leader racing team.

MS placed first in his age group in the Halloween Hustle 10K. I think the fact that his moniker here is MS is reflected by the fact that there's absolutely no consensus on what his last name is or how it is pronounced. I think he should go by his wife's last name Tang. That gets mispronounced all the time too as if it were an orange-flavored drink, but not quite as butchered as the German name that MS received from his ancestors.
Rslight placed third in his age group in the 10K.
And I was third in my age group in the Halloween Hustle 5K. I didn't get a PR (was the course long? doesn't matter). Nowhere near it in fact. And I wanted to push through more pain than I did in this race so I have work to do. But I felt like I ran a good race. I made appropriate surges I felt to prevent myself from slowing down too much too soon.
And the fourth person in my age group finished four seconds behind me. I thought he was a lot further back. But this medal means a lot to me because I was pushing hard at the end, tried to push hard the whole race.
I don't feel like I'm in as good condition as when I set my PR back in June, but I'm happy with my effort today.

And I'm happy to see my friends do well too.


Blogger Jim Evans said...

I earned a first place (age group) trophy in the sixth annual Lawton OK Trick-R-Trot 5K today. That's a lot of hardware for the "feet" for one day.

October 27, 2007 2:28 pm  

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